I promise you all: it hasn't. Not yet. Not yet, loves. There are so many things out there that will make you lose faith in humanity, with good reason. But there are so many things out there as well that will make you gain faith in humanity. Keep those ones close to you. Stay strong. Remember that strength looks different for everyone. Now's the time to be a little hopepunk about it all (thank you, Alex Rowland, for introducing the internet to the concept of hopepunk).
But enough blathering and empty platitudes. What do you do when the universe fails you? I have no idea. Sometimes in the past several weeks it has felt like the only things I have to stand against this pandemic and the systemic crumbling of American society is a sewing machine and two cats. Which isn't true, of course, but wild mood swings and bouts of despair don't really pay attention to true. I work in a grocery store, and while I don't interact with customers, being at work these days feels a bit like staring down the barrel of a gun. I know it's coming. It's just going to be when, and how badly will it affect me? Who will take care of my cats? Who am I going to lose? I thank my lucky stars every day that I live in a state with a governor who decided to take this seriously early on. But still, the numbers grow. The US has the highest infection rate as of today. But anyways. Back to this hopepunk thing, yes? What's the hopepunk thing to do right now? Sew masks: check, even though I'm running out of ribbon and fabric to even make sure my coworkers each get one. Disinfect literally everything: well, I finally managed to buy isopropyl alcohol and hydrogen peroxide again (I have not been able to find either of these things for a month) so sometime this weekend, check? Ish? Stay away from social media: utter failure. You people keep making me cry. Ugh. Write: working on it. Because right now words seem to be the most effective thing I have to help. Not big help, really: the only senators I have sway with already do everything I want them to do, and gods know who can keep the orange shitbag in the Oval Office from convincing people to kill us all, but I digress (again). Small help. I can write, and I can distract you, and I can vent (hopefully not too often, you see how my train of thought is really just four kittens in a trenchcoat right now) all these big things in a way that might help y'all get a bit of catharsis. So, if you managed to make to the end of this post (my apologies), welcome to my blog, I suppose? Enjoy. I'll bury this one quickly in old works so I can save myself a little embarrassment. Stay strong, Stay gentle,
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